Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What Does a Backpacker's Ghetto Look Like?

In the case of the famous one on Khaosan Road in Bangkok's Banglamphu neighborhood, I'd say a cross between an impoverished alpine village on a big ski weekend - and a sauna.

After being lost for over an hour yesterday in a brutal early afternoon sun, I decided I needed to upgrade my kiddie freebie tourist maps.

Not having yet found a good bookstore, I decided to head to an area of the city where I suspected my probability of success might increase.

Nirvana! I found the famous "Nancy Chandler's Map of Bangkok" at my first stop.

I'd wanted to pick this up before leaving the USA but simply ran out of time.

I'd highly recommend it to anyone coming here, as you can see it's "just right" level of detail in the photo I captured below.

So that's where Wat Ratchatiwat is!


  1. I'm waiting for a sarong photo. You in one, I mean.

  2. You Never know!

    But my instinct is it would be sowrong on me.

    1. Literally laughing out loud at the "sowrong" joke, Peter! Asia is definitely good for your sense of humor.

  3. Thanks for including photos of Nancy Chandler's map of Bangkok. If memory serves me correctly, Stephane and I used her map when we first went to Bangkok way back in 1990.

    Ahhh, the brutal early afternoon sun -- something I don't miss about living in the tropics. A word of advice, only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in it.
