Monday, April 29, 2013

First Impressions of Bangkok

I awoke at 4am after just two hours of sleep and knew I wanted to see daybreak on my first ever day in Southeast Asia.

After a refreshing shower, and "arming" myself with the address of my hotel, my iPhone and some cash, I headed out onto the street.

I was soon greeted by an overly solicitous young lady who wanted to know how I was doing. Sort of...

After crossing the street, I soon encountered hardworking folks setting up their innumerable variety of wares.

I took this photo of these two ladies who had already cooked and set up this splendid Thai breakfast. And it was barely 5am!

I set out toward my destination, the languid Chao Phraya River, which runs through Bangkok and is just a few blocks from my hotel in Chinatown.

A slight breeze was blowing along the river and it was good to be away from the already bustling streets.

I had the good fortune of sharing a few moments of peace with an elderly monk, who seemed as quietly interested in me as I was in him, as we both watched the giant carp (?) frolicking under the river lights.

I had learned that I might be rewarded in awakening early to see the sight of monks walking the street and collecting food from the faithful - and so I was...

Just prior to sunrise, I found these three dogs enjoying their sleep.

Daybreak soon brought some early rewards including this Ancient Wat.

First impression in summary?

This place is literally teaming with life!


  1. Those giant metal bowls filled with food look tempting... Did you sample? Also love the shot of the dogs sleepg in the shadows.

    1. I'm being pretty cautious about what I sample, Mike, until I get a better sense of this place, overall. There's a lot to take in!
